This section contains a wealth of information, related to Taxi&AutoBlu and its website and servises. If you cannot find an answer to your question, make sure to contact us.
The driver will wait for you holding a sign with your name and surname on it, and if , necessary will contact you by phone.
Yes, it is necessary to enable us to provide you with an effective service, particularly for services involving client pick-up from locations such as airports/railway stations/ports etc.
The type of car depends primarily on your booking and on the actual availability at the time of acceptance.
There is no need to recognise the car, as the driver will make themselves known by holding a sign with your name and surname on it.
You can send booking requests for your transfer up to and no later than 24 hours prior to your arrival.
To consider bookings valid, they must be completed by payment via the PayPal service available on our website. In the absence of payment, the reservation will not be considered valid.
Yes, they are included but subject to acceptance by Taxi&Autoblu, who must check their dimensions and transportability.
The first hour of waiting is always included in the meet&greet option, nevertheless, we always appreciate notice of any delays of any kind and for any reason, by e-mailing our customer service team, specifying the booking code.
Yes, for all ages, please specify the need for booster or child seats when submitting the booking request.
This depends on the chosen destination and the traffic, which can't be predicted at the time of pick-up.
This is normally possible for long journey, nationally and internationally, and in any case in the event of an emergency.
Yes, it's possible, but it also depends on availability at the time of submitting the booking request, if necessary, if communication problems occur, your driver will put you in contact with someone who will be able to understand you.
At the time of submitting the booking request, you can choose between standard and executive. This will also depend on availability at the time of submitting your booking request.
Contact us at this e-mail address if you require any clarification: